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Multiplayer Event: Spain

On 6 June, the closing event of the European BIOERA+ project was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cajasiete Building in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Organised by the University of La Laguna (ULL), this event brought together a diverse audience, including academics, students, professionals from the sector and representatives from various institutions, with the aim of reflecting on the achievements of the project and its impact on the development of the bioeconomy.

Aim of the event

The main purpose of the event was to disseminate the results of the BIOERA+ project and raise awareness of the importance of the bioeconomy for sustainability. The aim was to bring attendees closer to this new economic model based on the production, use, conservation and regeneration of biological resources to offer sustainable solutions in various sectors. The event highlighted how the bioeconomy can play a key role in the transition towards a greener, fairer and more profitable economy, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

BIOERA+ project

The BIOERA+ project was born out of the need to improve and make teaching methodology in bioeconomics more flexible, especially after the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on education. The transition to online education brought great challenges, but also opportunities to modernise pedagogical methods, focusing on new forms of motivation and assessment for students. BIOERA+ contributed to the development of training tools that reinforce teaching in this field, strengthening the academic and professional profile of bioeconomy participants.

Summary of the event

The event was developed according to the following agenda:

08:30 – 09:00 | Reception of attendees and delivery of Welcome pack.

09:00 – 09:15 | Welcome

The event was opened by the BIOERA+ project researchers, Dr. Juan Carlos Santamarta, Dr. Noelia Cruz Pérez and Joselin Sarai Rodríguez Alcántara, who gave an overview of the project and its achievements.

09:15 – 10:00 | First presentation: REVAPLAT – Sustainable and safe alternatives for the use of by-products from the banana industry in the Canary Islands.

Dr. Bárbara Socas Rodríguez, from the Department of Chemistry (ULL), presented the progress of the REVAPLAT project, focused on the reuse of by-products from the banana industry in the Canary Islands, offering sustainable alternatives for their use and highlighting their importance for the local bioeconomy.

10:00 – 10:45 | Second presentation: Water management in the tourism sector

Dr. Carmen Inés Ruiz de la Rosa, from the Department of Economics, Accounting and Finance (ULL), addressed water management in the tourism sector, a crucial issue for the islands, providing innovative solutions to improve water efficiency in the industry.

10:45 – 11:15 | Coffee break + Networking

During the break, attendees took the opportunity to exchange ideas, network and discuss possible future collaborations in the field of bioeconomy.

11:15 – 12:00 | Third presentation: Community Composting: transforming waste into resources

Mr. Antonio Perdomo Molina, from the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (ULL), shared his experience in community composting, highlighting how waste management can be transformed into an opportunity to generate useful resources, contributing to the circular economy.

12:00 – 12:45 | Fourth presentation: Formaché

Dr. Carlos Morán, CEO of FORMACHÉ S.L., presented his project that uses organic waste to manufacture new sustainable materials, exemplifying how innovation in the bioeconomy can offer cost-effective and environmentally responsible solutions.

12:45 – 13:00 | Closing ceremony

The event concluded on an optimistic note about the future of the bioeconomy in Europe, highlighting the fundamental role of training and collaboration between institutions to continue promoting this economic model. 

Impact and Conclusions

The event was a success both in terms of attendance and impact on the academic and professional community. Participants not only gained new knowledge on the bioeconomy, but also established links for future collaborations. The need to further boost innovation and skills development in this field to support the transition towards a more sustainable economy was underlined.

The closing of the BIOERA+ project reaffirmed its contribution to the advancement of the bioeconomy, and attendees received a certificate of attendance and training, accrediting their participation in this training event. The project has left a legacy in the form of new teaching methodologies and has strengthened the profile of the bioeconomy as a key driver in the achievement of the SDGs.


The event was organised by the ULL, in collaboration with the BIOERA+ project and INGENIA, with the support of Cajasiete and the Fundación Santa Cruz Sostenible. For more information about the BIOERA+ project, you can visit its official website: BIOERA+.

Additional files - presentations shown at the event


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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