The research carried out to implement Result 1 was presented at the international scientific conference “New Challenges in Agricultural Development” in Brno, which took place on April 31, 2023.
During the session devoted to projects in the field of bioeconomy, we shared the diagnosis of bioeconomy awareness and perception among representatives of selected European universities. The presented research results were also submitted to peer-reviewed scientific journals.
It was shown that the level of knowledge of respondents working or studying at selected universities was similar, while their perception of the bioeconomy differed significantly.
Although the respondents’ general knowledge of the bioeconomy was satisfactory, the results of the survey may help optimize study programs – so that they create more interest among students. Bioeconomy is a relatively new field of research, which is the result of new regulations in economies, bioeconomic policies are being adopted on all continents. Therefore, raising interest in this area should be an important part of academic education.